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How to say Mom In Japanese?

Pronunciation: haha
How to Say It Outloud: hah-hah
Usage: Usually used when talking about one's own mother to others in a respectful way.
Example Sentence Japanese:私の母は料理が上手です。
Example Sentence English:My mother is good at cooking.
Pronunciation: okaasan
How to Say It Outloud: oh-kah-ah-sahn
Usage: Commonly used to address or refer to someone else's mother, or respectfully referring to one's own mother in a less formal setting.
Example Sentence Japanese:お母さん、今日は何をしましたか。
Example Sentence English:Mom, what did you do today?
Pronunciation: mama
How to Say It Outloud: mah-mah
Usage: Used by young children or in very casual/affectionate contexts.
Example Sentence Japanese:ママ、遊びに行ってもいいですか?
Example Sentence English:Mom, can I go out to play?
Pronunciation: kaachan
How to Say It Outloud: kah-chan
Usage: Informal, colloquial way of saying 'mom,' often used by young boys or in rural areas.
Example Sentence Japanese:母ちゃん、今日は早く帰るよ。
Example Sentence English:Mom, I'll come home early today.
Pronunciation: ofukuro
How to Say It Outloud: oh-foo-kroh
Usage: An old-fashioned term often used by grown men to refer to their own mothers.
Example Sentence Japanese:おふくろの味が恋しい。
Example Sentence English:I miss the taste of my mom's cooking.
Aura Ruggeri

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