Kanji | Hiragana |
曇り | くもり |
Pronunciation: Kumori
How to Say It Outloud: Koo-moh-ree
Usage: Used to describe cloudy weather
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
It's cloudy today.
Hiragana |
くもっている |
Pronunciation: Kumotteiru
How to Say It Outloud: Koo-moh-teh-ee-roo
Usage: Used to describe the state of being cloudy
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
The sky is cloudy.
曇りくもりCommon wordjlpt-n3jlpt-n5
Noun- cloudiness; cloudy weather
- fog (on a mirror, glasses, etc.); cloud (e.g. in marble); blur; mist; shadow; dimness
- gloom; dejection
- Overcast
曇るくもるCommon wordjlpt-n5
Godan verb with 'ru' endingIntransitive verb
- to get cloudy; to cloud over; to become overcast
Intransitive verb
- to cloud up; to fog up; to mist up; to become dim
Intransitive verb
- to be gloomy; to be clouded (expression); to be downcast
Intransitive verb
- to look slightly downward (of a noh mask; indicating sadness, grief, etc.)
鬱陶しいうっとうしいCommon wordjlpt-n1
I-adjective (keiyoushi)- gloomy (e.g. mood); depressing
- irritating; troublesome
- heavy (weather); cloudy
濁るにごるCommon wordjlpt-n2
Godan verb with 'ru' endingIntransitive verb
- to become muddy; to become cloudy; to become turbid; to become impure (of a liquid or gas)
Intransitive verb
- to become dull (of a sound, color, etc.); to become indistinct; to become fuzzy; to become hoarse
Intransitive verb
- to become impure (of one's heart, a society, etc.); to be corrupted; to be polluted
Intransitive verb
- to become voiced (of a consonant); to be pronounced as a voiced sound
Noun- cloudy sky; overcast sky; cloudy weather
'taru' adjectiveAdverb taking the 'to' particle
- dim; hazy; vague; indistinct; faint; fuzzy; cloudy; obscure
濁すにごすCommon word
Godan verb with 'su' endingTransitive verb
- to make muddy (of a liquid); to make cloudy; to make turbid; to roil
Transitive verb
- to make ambiguous; to evade (e.g. the point); to be noncommittal about
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- mainly cloudy; tending to be cloudy
Noun- cloudy sky; overcast sky
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- slightly cloudy
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)- cloudy after fine; sunny then cloudy; clear then cloudy
Godan verb with 'mu' endingIntransitive verb
- to be wet (with tears); to be moist
Intransitive verb
- to get dim; to become blurred; to get cloudy; to get muddy; to be bleared
Intransitive verb
- to become tear-choked
Noun- cloudy spring weather
Noun- cloudy sky that appears when the migrating birds that stayed for winter and autumn in Japan leave to go north
Noun- cloudy weather near Hokkaido during the herrings season (from the third to the sixth lunar month)
Noun- a cloudy morning
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- cloudy sky looking like it will snow soon
Noun- unrefined sake; unfiltered sake; cloudy sake
Noun- fine weather and cloudy weather
NounSuru verb
Intransitive verb
- becoming turbid; becoming muddy; becoming cloudy; becoming opaque
Suru verb
Intransitive verb
- becoming muddled (of thoughts, senses, etc.); growing dim (of consciousness)
Suru verb
Intransitive verb
- disorder; chaos
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