How to say Shut Up You’re Annoying In Japanese?

Pronunciation: Damare, urusai
How to Say It Outloud: Dah-mah-reh, oo-roo-sah-ee
Usage: Used when telling someone to be quiet forcefully because they are being annoying.
Example Sentence Japanese:黙れ、うるさい!
Example Sentence English:Shut up, you're annoying!
Pronunciation: Damare, meiwaku da
How to Say It Outloud: Dah-mah-reh, meh-ee-wah-koo dah
Usage: Used when someone is being a nuisance and you want them to stop talking.
Example Sentence Japanese:黙れ、迷惑だ!
Example Sentence English:Shut up, you're a nuisance!
Pronunciation: Urusai, damatte
How to Say It Outloud: Oo-roo-sah-ee, dah-maht-teh
Usage: Used when telling someone to be quiet because they are being loud and annoying.
Example Sentence Japanese:うるさい、黙って!
Example Sentence English:You're so loud, be quiet!
Pronunciation: Damatte kure, urusai
How to Say It Outloud: Dah-maht-teh koo-reh, oo-roo-sah-ee
Usage: A command telling someone to be quiet because they are annoying.
Example Sentence Japanese:黙ってくれ、うるさい!
Example Sentence English:Be quiet, you're annoying!
Pronunciation: Kuchi o tojiro, urusai
How to Say It Outloud: Koo-chee oh toh-jee-roh, oo-roo-sah-ee
Usage: Used when commanding someone to close their mouth because they are being annoying.
Example Sentence Japanese:口を閉じろ、うるさい!
Example Sentence English:Close your mouth, you're annoying!
Aura Ruggeri

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