Kanji | Hiragana |
海 | うみ |
Pronunciation: umi
How to Say It Outloud: oo-mee
Usage: general term for sea or ocean in Japanese
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
I went to the sea yesterday.
Hiragana |
うみ |
Pronunciation: umi
How to Say It Outloud: oo-mee
Usage: hiragana representation of sea
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
I want to go to the sea.
Katakana |
ウミ |
Pronunciation: umi
How to Say It Outloud: oo-mee
Usage: katakana representation often used for emphasis or foreign words
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
The sea is beautiful.
海うみCommon wordjlpt-n5
Noun- sea; ocean; waters
- Sea
海面かいめんCommon word
Noun- sea level; (surface of) sea
- Sea level
海洋かいようCommon wordjlpt-n2
Noun- ocean; sea
- Kaiyou
沖おきCommon wordjlpt-n3
Noun- open sea
- Okinawa
海水浴かいすいよくCommon wordjlpt-n2
Noun- swimming in the ocean; sea bathing; seawater bath; going for a dip in the ocean
- Sea bathing
海上かいじょうCommon word
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- on the sea; surface of the sea
NounAdverb (fukushi)
- sea route
海抜かいばつCommon wordjlpt-n1
Noun- height above sea level
Noun- ocean; sea; the deep
地中海ちちゅうかいCommon word
Noun- Mediterranean Sea
- Mediterranean sea (oceanography)
- Chichuukai
- Mediterranean Sea
海賊かいぞくCommon word
Noun- pirate; sea robber; buccaneer; freebooter
- Piracy
日本海にほんかいCommon word
Noun- Sea of Japan
- Sea of Japan
鯛たいCommon word
Noun- sea bream (Sparidae); porgy
- tai (species of reddish-brown Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major)
- Sparidae
深海しんかいCommon word
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- deep sea; depths of the sea; ocean depths
- Deep sea
北海ほっかいCommon word
Noun- northern sea
- North Sea
Noun, used as a prefix
- Hokkaido
- North Sea
Noun- sea
- See
Noun- sea turtle
- Sea turtle
Noun- eared seal (esp. the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus); sea lion
- Sea lion
外洋がいようCommon word
Noun- open sea; ocean
海中かいちゅうCommon word
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- in the sea
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