Kanji | Hiragana |
日付 | ひづけ |
Pronunciation: hidzuke
How to Say It Outloud: hi-dzu-ke
Usage: common term for dates in general contexts such as calendars, schedules, and formal documents
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
Please write the date on this document.
Kanji | Katakana |
デート | デート |
Pronunciation: deeto
How to Say It Outloud: de-e-to
Usage: used to refer to romantic dates or outings with a significant other
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
I have a date this weekend.
Kanji | Hiragana |
日時 | にちじ |
Pronunciation: nichiji
How to Say It Outloud: ni-chi-ji
Usage: used to specify both date and time, often in formal settings
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
Please let me know the date and time of the meeting.
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