Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
お父さん | おとうさん | オトウサン |
Pronunciation: otousan
How to Say It Outloud: oh-toh-san
Usage: Formal, respectful term for 'dad' or father
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
Dad has returned from work.
Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
父 | ちち | チチ |
Pronunciation: chichi
How to Say It Outloud: chee-chee
Usage: Formal, used typically in writing or when referring to one's own father to others
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
My father is a doctor.
Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
おやじ | おやじ | オヤジ |
Pronunciation: oyaji
How to Say It Outloud: oh-yah-jee
Usage: Informal, often used by boys or men to refer to their own father, slightly rough
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
Dad likes fishing.
Katakana |
パパ |
Pronunciation: papa
How to Say It Outloud: pah-pah
Usage: Casual, affectionate term, often used by young children
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
I went to play with dad.
お父さんおとうさんCommon wordjlpt-n5
Noun- father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy; dada
- husband
- you (of an elderly person older than the speaker); he; him
パパパパCommon word
Noun- dad; daddy; papa
- sugar daddy
- Papa
父さんとうさんCommon word
Noun- father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy; dada
親父おやじCommon word
Noun- one's father; one's old man; dad; pops
- middle-aged (or older) man; old man; geezer
- one's boss
- proprietor (of a restaurant, store, etc.); landlord
- grizzly bear
Noun- dad; daddy; papa; father
Noun- dad; daddy; papa; pa; pop
パパさんパパさんCommon word
NounNoun, used as a prefix
- dad
- (male) pet owner
Noun- father; Dad
Noun- dad; dada; daddy; pa; papa; pappa; pop
Noun- househusband; stay-at-home dad
- Stay-at-home dad
Noun- father; dad
- old man
Noun- full-time househusband; stay-at-home dad
Noun- bad pun; corny joke; worn-out joke; dad joke
旦那だんなCommon wordjlpt-n1
Noun- master (of a house, shop, etc.)
- husband
- sir; boss; master; governor
- patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess; sugar daddy
- alms; almsgiving; almsgiver
Noun- anonymous scholarship system for orphans whose parents have been killed in traffic accidents (from Daddy-Long-Legs, a 1912 novel by Jean Webster)
- harvestman; daddy longlegs (arachnid of order Opiliones)
- Daddy-Long-Legs (novel by Jean Webster, 1912)
Noun- daddy; father; husband
Noun- crane fly; daddy longlegs (insect of family Tipulidae)
Noun- harvestman; daddy longlegs (arachnid of order Opiliones)
Noun- harvestman; daddy longlegs (arachnid of order Opiliones)
Noun- dadaiko drum (decorated with flames)
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