Kanji | Hiragana |
国々 | くにぐに |
Pronunciation: kuniguni
How to Say It Outloud: KU-nih-GOO-nih
Usage: Commonly used to refer to multiple countries.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
I have visited various countries in Europe.
Hiragana |
くに |
Pronunciation: kuni
How to Say It Outloud: Koo-nee
Usage: Used singularly to refer to a country, but can be contextually used to refer to multiple countries.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
I like to learn about the cultures of various countries.
Pronunciation: sekai no kuniguni
How to Say It Outloud: SEH-kai noh KOO-nih-GOO-nih
Usage: Used to refer to countries around the world.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
I want to interact with countries around the world.
国々くにぐにCommon word
Noun- countries
西洋せいようCommon wordjlpt-n4
Noun- the West; the Occident; Western countries
- Western world
各国かっこくCommon word
Noun- each country; every country; various countries; all countries
Noun- neighboring countries; neighbouring countries; surrounding countries
Noun- Western countries; (former) Western Bloc countries
- Western Bloc
北欧ほくおうCommon word
Noun- Northern Europe; Nordic countries; Scandinavia
- Hokuou
- Nordic countries
両国りょうこくCommon word
Noun- both countries
- Ryōgoku (area of Tokyo)
Noun- Nordic countries; Scandinavian countries
Noun- various countries; several countries
Noun- Western countries; European and (North) American countries
万国ばんこくCommon word
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- all countries; the whole world; universal; all nations
諸国しょこくCommon word
NounNoun, used as a suffix
- various countries; various regions; various provinces
Noun- various foreign countries; several foreign countries
北国きたぐにCommon word
Noun- northern country
- northern provinces; northern regions; northland
カ国かこくCommon word
Counter- counter for countries
世界各国せかいかっこくCommon word
Noun- countries all over the world; all the countries of the world
Noun- surrounding countries; neighboring countries; neighbouring countries
Noun- principal countries
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'- between both countries; bilateral
Noun- West European countries
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